Nopalina Online Nopalina Flax Seed / Fiber Wed, 31 Jul 2024 22:26:20 +0000 es hourly 1 Nopalina Online 32 32 Whats is Nopalina? Fri, 11 Feb 2022 12:32:20 +0000

Si le gustan los productos naturales libres de químicos y medicamentos procesados en laboratorio, los alimentos orgánicos y la actividad física, entonces probablemente haya oído hablar de Nopalina.

Nopalina has gained popularity for being an excellent dietary supplement that effectively contributes to weight loss and as well as offering other health benefits such as improving circulation and regulating bowel movements.

But, what exactly is Nopalina?

Simple. It’s a formula invented by Dr. Hector Pablo Oliva (an allopathic doctor with specializations in acupuncture and natural herbs), composed of:

  • Canadian Linseed

Canada is the world’s leader in linseed production and export so it makes sense to use it as part of Nopalina’s unique recipe. It’s incredibly rich in Omega 3, 6 and 9 which are essential fatty acids and unsaturated healthy fats that are ridiculously good for you.

  • Flaxseed

Also known simply as flax or linseed, it’s getting the reputation of being a superfood. They contain lignans (a group of nutrients which have powerful antioxidant and estrogen properties), a healthy amount of protein, fiber and omega-3 fatty acids, as well as vitamins and minerals.

  • Nopal

A Mexican plant also known as Opuntia ficus-indica, it is shock full of vitamins as well as soluble/insoluble fibers that help keep your liver clean and is widely used in its native country. The dietary fiber and bioactive compounds with antioxidant activity it contains make it one of Nopalina’s most active ingredients.

  • Wheat Bran

A great source of fiber that literally sweeps and eliminates impurities from your intestine. Wheat bran is loaded with fiber (which prevents constipation) and also could help to reduce appetite between meals .Good fiber to add to your weight control.

  • Oat Bran

It boasts worldwide recognition for helping reduce and regulate blood cholesterol levels. Containing approximately 50% more fiber and soluble fiber than oatmeal Protein, calcium, iron, thiamin, phosphorus, riboflavin, magnesium, and zinc are also part of its components.

  • Fruit Extracts

It boasts worldwide recognition for helping reduce and regulate blood cholesterol levels. Containing approximately 50% more fiber and soluble fiber than oatmeal. Protein, calcium, iron, thiamin, phosphorus, riboflavin, magnesium, and zinc are also part of its components.

  • Psyllium
    This soluble fiber is commonly referred to as “the bowel sweeper” due to the profound and effective cleansing effects if has on your bowels. It has also proven to be beneficial to many parts of the human body, such as the heart and the pancreas.

Now, take all these super ingredients, ground them together and you’ve got Nopalina. Free of any synthetic ingredients, the blend of natural fibers, essential fatty acid sources and fruits make this the perfect complement for those who are always on the go!

5 exercises for toned abs Thu, 10 Feb 2022 23:41:47 +0000

The abdomen area has always been the most difficult area of the body to lose weight and tone up. We are all aware that eliminating abdominal fat requires an important effort to obtain the wanted results.

It is important to consider that to have a flat stomach, beyond slimming diets and creams, you have to have a physical activity routine to burn fat and develop muscle.

That is why, taking into account the busy modern life, we have taken on the task of collecting 5 exercises to tone the abdomen from the comfort of your home.

1. Classic Abdominal Crunch


This is a classic that never goes out of style. The classic abdominals are perfect to work your belly. They tone, firm and help reduce belly fat and waist diameter.

How to do it:

Lay on your exercise mat, bend your knees and place your hands behind your head.
Bring the torso forward, without lifting the feet or the buttocks, as if wanting to approach the knees.
Perform 3 sets of 20 repetitions taking 10 second rests between home series.

Portrait of young slim sporty beautiful woman working out on mat, warming up, doing abdominal crunches, French tattoo on her arm translated as "What woman wants, God wants", isolated studio

2. Lateral Crunches

This exercise is ideal to increase the burning process of fat lodged in the abdomen. You will achieve it as long as you demand more resistance of yourself and focus on your end goal.

How to do it:

Lay on one side of your body with your legs fully extended.
Place the hand on the side you chose, on the floor, the other on the head, with the arm simulating a triangle.
Make a lateral flex with the elbow towards the waist.
The goal is 3 series. Between each series, rest 30 seconds.
Turn to the other side and repeat.

3. Planks

It is an exercise that works almost all the muscles of the body. If you manage to do it properly, you will achieve simultaneous toning of glutes, legs and, of course, the abdomen.

How to do it:

Lay face down, forearms on the floor and hold with the tips of your feet.
The back completely straight, shoulders above the elbows, and the buttocks slightly raised.
The idea is to hold the position for about 30 or 40 seconds. Rest, and repeat the series three times.
The more days you try this, the more your resistance will increase, allowing you to reach one or two minutes.

4. Abdominals in “V”

There are a plurality of ways to do crunches and this one in particular puts physical strength and balance to the test.

How to do it:

Sitting on the ground, place the arms at the sides of the body and raise the feet, stretching the legs and moving the trunk back.
This posture will form like a “V” and you will have to direct the arms towards the feet until achieving balance.
Try to achieve it for 40 or 60 seconds.


5. Crunches

Crunches are an exercise that allows you to tone the abdomen and eliminate the rolls of fat that make your waist look lumpy.

How to do it:

Lie on your back and flex your legs, knees towards your face.
Put your hands behind your head and do a bending of about 40 °. Take into account being able to control breathing.
The ideal is that you manage to do 3 sets of 20 or 30 repetitions without stopping. Between each series rest 30 seconds.
Once you’ve developed more resistance, the goal is 5 consecutive series.

Remember that there are no miraculous ways to lose weight. Go ahead and make these routines a habit in your life. Combining exercise with a healthy diet and the proper supplements that enhance fat loss such as Nopalina, you’ll see the wanted results in not time. Go for it!

5 fruits to eat for beautiful skin Thu, 10 Feb 2022 14:10:28 +0000

5 frutas que debes comer para tener una piel hermosa

Fruit contains nutrients and vitamins excellent for skin care. In case you didn’t know, they are a source of inexhaustible beauty besides being readily available in most parts of the world. They have the power to give your skin an incomparable natural shine due to the fact that they are able to moisturize as well as exfoliate and rejuvenate it in a natural way.

Skin is a person’s largest organ and their first way of contact with the outside world, which is why it is extremely important to learn how to take care of it. This makes our daily diet extremely important to achieve better results since everything we eat plays an important role in how our skin looks.

Incorporating fruits in your daily diet will result in healthy, shiny skin. With each fruit you consume, you are helping your skin to rejuvenate, moisturize it naturally and help it to have a better texture. Fruits also give you a clearer complexion.

Fruits have no side effects. They are free of toxins and are quite beneficial for your entire organism.

The 5 best fruits to get beautiful skin are apples, pineapples, grapefruits, oranges and avocados which is why they are all active ingredients found in Nopalina (except avocados).


The collagen and elastic found in apples are vital for keeping your skin youthful. Apples are high in water content, so adding them to your daily diet will help with hydration and skin cleansing. The nutrients present in apples benefit the skin greatly by acting as a natural and wonderful toner. It helps tighten the skin overall and improve blood circulation, ultimately making the skin look better and healthier. It also helps in balancing the skin’s pH levels, reducing the over production and secretion of oils from the skin.


Pineapples are rich in Vitamins C & E which are the two vitamins you need most to brighten up your skin when it’s looking a bit dull. They’re also known to even out skin tone whilst being antioxidant and could  possibly help withskin damage due to pollution and the action of free radicals during the day. Pineapples also have the power to exfoliate your skin gently thanks to their natural enzymes which can slough away dead skin cells and reduce the appearance of blackheads, making it the ideal fruit for anyone with oily skin problems.


Oranges are a fruit that provides lots of liquids and vitamins, especially vitamin C, acting as an immune protector of the body which prevents infections. It also acts as a protector and cleanser, helping to eliminate blackheads and pimples, eliminating skin imperfections while making it healthier. This fruit also helps to diminish spots caused by the sun.


It’s no wonder that, because of its broad benefits, many beauty and health brands have already adopted this fruit. Considered the green fruit of beauty, it contains high doses of vitamin E, best ally to repair dry, opaque and scaly skin. Rich in antioxidants that counteract the free radicals responsible for aging. It also eliminates dead cells and provides luminosity thanks to oleic acid, a substance very present in avocado oil.


Grapefruit is rich in the anti-oxidant Beta Carotene. This anti-oxidant completely transforms dull, dry complexion and leaves your skin radiant due to increased hydration. Grapefruit is also has healthy amounts of Vitamin A that helps to reduce the appearance of pesky wrinkles and dreaded fine lines by softening the skin and boosting its collagen production.

Dr Oliva’s Factory Tue, 08 Feb 2022 12:43:08 +0000


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TIPS TO RELIEVE THE CONSTIPATION Sat, 05 Feb 2022 20:22:41 +0000



  • Exercise regularly

Try to walk, swim or do something active at least 3 or 4 times a week. If you feel the need to go to the bathroom, go. Do not wait or be contained.

You can also train the bowel to make it more regular and going to the bathroom at the same time every day can help. For many people, this happens after breakfast or dinner. It is important not to skip meals, as it could worsen your situation.


  • Avoid processed foods or fast foods

It is recommended not to consume white bread, biscuits, sausage, saturated fats, and fried foods.


  • Drink plenty of fluids and consume more fiber

Take 8 to 10 glasses of fluids, especially water, every day. Both men and women of different ages have daily fiber needs.


  • Eat more fruits and vegetables

Most fruits will help relieve constipation. Strawberries, raspberries, peaches, grapes, raisins and plums are just some of those that can be consumed. Do not peel fruits that have edible peel, since there is a lot of fiber there.

Some fiber-rich vegetables are asparagus, broccoli, corn, squash and potatoes (with peel). Salads made with lettuce, spinach and cabbage also help.

You can also incorporate other foods such as fish, chicken, turkey or other lean meats. These do not have fiber, but they do not worsen constipation.

Add a spoonful of NOPALINA to your yogurt, juice or smoothie can provide the fiber you need to relieve and prevent constipation.


Dr. Héctor Pablo Oliva

4 TIPS TO LOSE FASTEST WEIGHT Mon, 18 Feb 2019 20:24:00 +0000

Practice the following tips:


Tip #1  Take enough Water

Your body needs fluids to carry out its functions. If you do not receive the necessary amount of fluid, you will not perform those functions properly and you will not burn as many calories.


Tip #2  Combine your cardio exercises with strength exercises

You already know that exercise is crucial to keep your metabolism working effectively, but if you only concentrate your routine on running on your treadmill or doing a stationary bike, you are not building muscle mass which is what will really help your metabolism to rise. Incorporates strength exercises to burn even more calories.


Tips #3  Rest well

People who do not rest well tend to weigh more than those who do get a good night’s rest, most nights. By not getting enough sleep, the hormones that control appetite can be “out of control” causing you to feel more hungry and therefore, eat more. It is recommended to sleep 7 hours daily.


Tips #4  Control your stress

Not only is it unpleasant to be stressed, it is also bad for your metabolism. When the stress hormone called cortisol is activated, your body is more likely to store more fat.

In addition to these useful tips, we recommend adding Nopalina to your daily diet. Nopalina is a 100% natural product composed of fibers that help digest and metabolize excess fat in the body with omega 3,6 and 9.


Dr. Pablo Oliva

Smart choices when celebrating the holidays Mon, 03 Dec 2018 19:51:00 +0000

Smart choices when celebrating the Holidays

The holidays are the perfect excuse to be with family and friends and eat typical dishes that make us enjoy the company even more. But, how can we avoid temptations and calories?

The secret is to plan ahead. Plan healthy holidays and avoid overeating, stay active, buy healthy foods and save time to rest properly.

Avoid overeating: eat what you like, but in moderation. If you feel a craving for an unhealthy snack, take a glass of water or eat a piece of fruit, or even walk for 5 minutes. Distractions can help you resist those cravings. Also consider eating slowly. If you fall into temptation, try to adjust to your plan the next day.

Stay Active: do not make the holidays just about the food. Any extra exercise can be useful this season. Community walks or races are a good option. Establishing family games, such as a football and/soccer game, can be a fun alternative to stay active.

Buy healthy foods: if you are the one in charge of the dinner, try baking, roasting or cooking on the grill. Make small changes to the menu such as replacing sour cream with Greek yogurt or mashed potatoes with cauliflower.

Rest properly: sleeping properly can help you avoid gaining extra weight.

Enjoy the gatherings and do not forget that you can find help in our line of teas with Liver Detox Tea, Relaxing Tea, Obesy Tea, Blood Purifier Tea, Breathe Deep Tea and Urinary Cleanse Tea. Find this products in:

Cermak 3311 W 26th St. Chicago, IL

A NATURAL PRODUCT TO LOSE WEIGHT Mon, 05 Feb 2018 19:54:00 +0000


Can I lose weight with Nopalina?

Yes, you can! NOPALINA is a special formula that consists of natural ingredients that activate and accelerate your metabolism, allowing you to have an excellent digestion. On the other hand, NOPALINA fibers expand in the stomach up to five times, helping to reduce appetite and consequently food intake. The NOPALINE formula is recommended by consumers around the world for their good results in weight loss in a healthy way.

When to take Nopalina?

You can take NOPALINE twice a day at any time. However, for best results, NOPOALINE is recommended before breakfast and before dinner.

 How to take Nopalina?

Taking NOPALINA is very easy! You can mix one scoop (15 g) of NOPALINE in 8 oz. Of water, juice, milk, smoothie, yogurt or any other drink. You can also add it to your salad or cereal! Remember not to strain NOPALINA! NOPALINE insoluble fibers have properties that help cleanse the colon of impurities and toxins. You must drink at least eight 8 oz. Glasses of water per day. The more water you drink, the better results you will have with LA FORMULA NOPALINA


Consume 25 g. of fiber per day can help reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.

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